Hi Everyone!
As some of you may know already, I will be moving to Colorado within the next 4 1/2 months {super excited :D } So on my way home I was thinking about the excessive amounts of makeup, skincare and hair products I currently own, use and don't use...lol. I'm not planning on carrying tons of stuff in my back seat while traveling to CO, so I've decided to challenge myself to use up as much as possible in these few short months I have left in Texas.
My Challenge:
I will do this for all my cosmetics, hair products and skincare products. For my makeup, I plan on reorganizing my storage containers and finding all the products that I haven't used in a while or that I don't really like....instead of throwing them away, I will start using as much of it as possible. After all, I did purchase all these products! I will apply the same rules to my haircare and skincare. If you would like to try this out, you can find cheap baskets that you can store the items you choose and place them in a location where you will see them. If you're like me....if I don't see, I won't use it; then this will work. I will place my haircare and skincare baskets on my bathroom sink/vanity to remind myself of why I'm doing this challenge. I haven't really set a time frame for this challenge. I will see how this goes for a month and then I'll blog about my successes and/or failures.
A video on my youtube channel will be up within the next week explaining this and showing you all the products I picked out to start. If you would like to try this, I challenge you to do this with me. Feel free to leave comments here, on YT channel or my formspring page. All links will be below.
Thanks for your support,